If you take amlodipine, you need regular checkups with your doctor. At first, visits may need to be once a month. If you have heart failure, diabetes, or kidney disease, you may need checkups more often. At these visits, your doctor will take your blood pressure and ask you about medicine side effects. Your doctor will keep an eye on your kidney and heart function. Sometimes, lab work and other tests are done. Once your blood pressure is lower, your visits will be less often. You may only need to see your doctor every 3 to 6 months.
Your doctor may ask you to keep track of your blood pressure at home. Some doctors, health plans, and pharmacies have high blood pressure telehealth programs. They can help you keep track of your blood pressure over the phone or Web. This is a quick way to have more frequent personal check-ins with a health provider without having to go into a doctor’s office. These steps can really help you get your blood pressure under control.
With regular check-ups or calls, it won't be long before your blood pressure falls!